Our organic flour quality
With state-of-the-art milling technology and strict controls, we achieve a consistent organic flour quality with maximum processing safety.
Our organic flours
Premium stands for association-certified organic flours with guaranteed organic safety, Select for the best organic flours in EU organic quality.
Organic premium flour
Our philosophy
We are your holistic partner for natural baking with organic ingredients. This claim is based on a comprehensive sustainability concept.
PhilosophyWelcome to the Meyermühle
We are one of the leading organic mills in Germany and can look back on over 40 years of organic experience. Thanks to our long-standing cooperation with the Naturland and Bioland associations and close collaboration with our organic farmers, we can guarantee the highest level of organic safety as well as long-term and reliable supply. With state-of-the-art milling technology and strict quality controls, we supply our customers with first-class organic flours of consistently top quality that are safe to process. We continuously invest in new and innovative plants and technologies. We consistently pursue the ecological concept of sustainable, holistic environmental compatibility in all areas.


Danke für Ihren Besuch auf der BIOFACH 2025!
Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle Kunden, Partner und Interessenten, die sich Zeit für spannende Gespräche genommen haben. Ihr großes Interesse an...
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Zum vierten Mal - Bester Ausbildungsbetrieb 2024
Der Bayerische Müllerbund legt viel Wert auf eine gute Ausbildung und ehrt deshalb jedes Jahr den besten Ausbildungsbetrieb in Bayern. Dieses Jahr...
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Bio-Erlebnistage 2024
Die Bio Erlebnistage bei uns in der Meyermühle boten den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, in die Welt der Verarbeitung...
Read more40 years of organic experience!
We look back on the past decades with pride. The first 200 tons of organic grain were processed in 1982.
Our promise
We produce high-quality organic flours in reliable, consistent quality - with high availability at the same time. That is why we rely on a consistent safety concept and state-of-the-art milling technology.