Organic certification
From the very beginning, healthy products and environmentally friendly production have been the declared goal for the high-quality organic flour production of our organic mill. In order to meet these quality standards, we have actively helped to shape developments in organic farming and rely on our long-standing partnerships with regional producer associations and the recognized organic farming associations Naturland, Bioland and Biokreis.
In addition to the "EU organic seal", the organic certification according to EC organic regulations, these associations set more guidelines and quality standards for organic farming and offer additional organic safety with stricter guidelines.
Our certifications according to organic associations

Certificates Meyermühle
Organic certificates
- EU Bio-Verordnung 2018/848
- Naturland-certificate
- Naturland-Fair-certificate
- Bioland-certificate
- Biokreis-certificate
- Bavarian organic certificate
Quality certificates
- ISO 22000:2018
- QS-certificate processing / transport (GMP-recognition)
- Europäisches Getreidemonitoring EGM
Environmental certificates
- CO2-neutral production
- Bavarian Environmental Pact